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Ricci operator in a Hopf real Hypersurfaces of complex space form

2020, Manjulamma U, Nagaraja H.G, Kiran Kumar D L

We initiate the study of real hypersurface of a complex space form and it is proved that Lie parallelism of the Ricci operator in the direction of ?, locally symmetric Ricci operator in a real hypersurface of a complex space form reduce the hypersurface to Hopf hypersurface. � 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Ricci solitons and gradient Ricci solitons in a D-homothetically deformed K-contact manifold

2021, Venu K, Nagaraja H.G, Kiran Kumar D L

The object of this paper is to study Ricci solitons and gradient Ricci solitons in Da-homothetically deformed K-contact and N(k)-contact metric manifolds. � 2021 Balkan Society of Geometers, Geometry Balkan Press. All Rights Reserved.

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Generalized complex space forms

2020, Manjulamma U, Nagaraja H.G, Kiran Kumar D L

In this paper, we find an eigen value of Ricci operator corresponding to scalar curvature r of a generalized complex space form and we give conditions for the existence of a generalized complex space form. Copyright � Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.

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Some curvature properties of kenmotsu manifolds with schouten-van kampen connection

2019, Kiran Kumar D L, Nagaraja H.G, Naveenkumar S.H.

The aim of the present paper is to study the concircular curvature tensor, projective curvature tensor, Weyl conformal curvature tensor of Kenmotsu manifolds admitting Schouten-van Kampen connection and an example is given to verify our results. � 2019, Transilvania University of Brasov 1. All rights reserved.